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Take a Digital Twin Assessment

Digital Twins seem to be the new way to develop systems. They are high up in the "hype" parade and the term is used all over the place. After all, what is this Digital Twin? What does a digital twin mean for manufacturing? What is its relationship to Industrial IoT? Is it something else that model-based development? These are just a few of the questions we regularly hear from companies.

That's why we like to have a conversation with you. To determine where you stand with your company. The conversation is held using the Change2Twin assessment approach. This is a method developed in a European project, where we in the conversation with you give substance to where you stand with the digitization.

The interview lasts approximately 1.5 hours. It is intended for (manufacturing) companies in the small and medium-sized enterprise sector and is conducted (online or on location) with staff from the High Tech Embedded Software lectorate at Fontys ICT.

Interested? Please contact us without obligation.

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Fontys Expertise Center High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM) connects Fontys students and researchers with high-tech companies in the Brainport area.

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