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Ventilation modules from DEMCON are vital in the fight against coronavirus

One of the members of the HTSC, Demcon, will build 500 ventilation modules that will be delivered to the Dutch government.

Demcon macawi respiratory systems ventilation modules save lives as coronavirus is present around the world. Never before has the need for ventilation systems been so great. We are grateful that we can directly contribute to the treatment of thousands of coronavirus patients with respiratory problems because we can meet this need.

We are making every effort to continue to meet demand in this situation. Demand is now so high that we are setting up a second production line at Demcon to double production. We are dependent on various (external) factors. The commitment and dedication of our employees is of great value and we keep in close contact with our suppliers regarding the delivery of their components. We are all doing everything possible to deliver the equipment to the hospitals as soon as possible.Demcon macawi ventilation modules respiratory systems are saving lives now that the coronavirus is present around the world. Never before has the need for ventilation systems been so great. We are grateful that we can directly contribute to the treatment of thousands of coronavirus patients with respiratory problems because we can meet this need.




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